How high should your flat-screen TV be mounted on the wall?

A flat-screen TV installed on the wall is frequently the ideal addition to any room in the house. After all, the theatre-like viewing angle can be a great way to relax and unwind while watching your favourite shows and movies. However, there are various aspects to consider before settling on that comfortable viewing area and mounting a flat-screen TV, one of the most significant being the height at which you mount your TV. “How high should I put my TV on the wall?” is a popular question. It is significant because watching TV at the wrong height can ruin your viewing experience by creating neck and eye pain, which is the last thing you want to happen during your favourite downtime activity.

As a result, it’s critical to consider the following factors before mounting flat screen tv to the wall.

TV Dimensions

This one should go without saying— but the size of the TV counts when determining where to mount it. Make sure you measure your flat-screen television carefully. Broader televisions are typically positioned taller than narrower televisions. This is to account for the additional space it takes up in order to achieve a properly balanced view.

Room Dimensions and Viewing Range

Another thing to consider is the room’s size. Consider your room’s size, layout, and design. What is the width of the wall? What is the distance to the nearest seating area? Will TV glare from sunshine be an issue depending on the way it faces? Is there anything in the way of the wall and the lounge area? What are the locations of your electrical outlets? These are just a few considerations to make when deciding the height of your flat-screen TV.

The extent of your visual range has a significant impact on your overall entertainment experience. You may feel less involved in what you’re watching if you’re seated too far away from the screen. And being too near can be a real pain in the neck. But have no despair; there is a mechanism for resolving this issue. To obtain the precise viewing distance and TV mount height, multiply the size by 0.55. To give you an idea, the optimal viewing distance for a 42-inch television is 76 inches. You’ll need to be 100 inches away from a 55″ to get the best picture.

Viewing Angle/Eye-Level from the Floor

The viewing angle of the screen from your couch or chair, arguably the essential element. It decides how high should one be mounting the flat screen tv to the wall.

What’s the Best Height for a 55-Inch TV?

The distance from the bottom to the centre of a 55-inch TV should be roughly 61 inches.

What’s the Best Height for a 65-Inch TV?

The distance from the floor to the centre of the TV screen on a 65″ TV should be roughly 65 inches.

What’s the Best Height for a 70-Inch TV?

The distance from the floor to the centre of a 70-inch TV should be roughly 67 inches.

Other televisions can be hung in a variety of ways.

A 42-inch flat-screen should be positioned around 56 inches from the base to the centre of the screen, while a 70-inch television should be mounted about 67 inches. However, the choice may differ from individual to individual. If that’s the case, you can even learn mounting a flat-screen tv to the wall without fasteners.

Apart from these general guidelines, there is a slew of other variables to consider when establishing the ideal height for mounting your flat-screen TV. Individual height has a significant impact.

Since flat screens are frequently shared by families having members of varying heights— which can difficult obstacle to overcome

The height of the mounting bracket is also determined by the person’s desired viewing position. A person who prefers to sit up straight and watch TV may want to mount theirs a little lower than someone who likes to lie down on the couch and watch. However, we confront the same problem because wall-mounted TVs are typically long-term fixtures that can only function in one way.

Keeping all of these considerations in mind appears to be practically impossible! Even if you go through the painstaking process of adhering to them, there is no way to determine the ideal height for mounting your TV suitable for everyone in the family— Until now!

The answer lies in using TV mounts— TV mounts are groundbreaking innovations that allow you to quickly modify a large flat-screen TV’s viewing height and angle at any moment! These adaptable mounts, which make use of automotive gas pistons, allow you to take your flat-screen TV off the wall, lower it to eye level, and then swivel it left or right, ensuring true comfort and the optimal vision every time you watch TV.

Published by AV Tech Plus

AV TECH PLUS has over 15 years of experience installing a wide range of audio/visual systems in homes and businesses in Miami, USA. AV TECH PLUS provides a wall-mounted TV installations for your home or business space. Our skilled team of expert installers makes it look easy but mounting a flat screen TV onto a wall can be a strenuous and time-consuming job.

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